Monthly Archives: July 2016

Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple
Keep It Simple

Tonight’s blog is going to be about my latest purchase that has now been returned. In the beginning I promised I would tell about my genius findings and my not so genius findings, this is one of those blogs.

In a previous blog “Juice From the Kale Gods” I had given out my special recipe for Kale Juice. I have been using my Ninja Blender to make my juice and separating the pulp and juice with the use of a strainer…a very tightly weaved metal strainer. For quite awhile, I have been battling with purchasing a Juicer, thinking that it would make my juicing chores much easier and would have less clean up and more juice. That theory got destroyed fast.

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An Ounce of Prevention…Vitamin B6

My Vitamin B Team
My Vitamin B Team

Well it’s been another few days with The Vit B Spray, and I have found another one by Natures Bounty that has a few more of the B’s included. It doesn’t taste as nice but hey it seems to be keeping the pain down in between meds so that at least it is tolerable to go throughout the day, and that’s a thumbs up for me. I had another windy day yesterday and once again the Vit B12 Spray was able to get me through to my next regular daily migraine dosage. I took the D3 Spray with it as well, and I actually was an hour past my regular time taking my migraine medications before I realized “Wow I gotta take my medicine.”.

If you are a milder case headache/migrainer, Vit B could be your go to medicine or at least be able to cut back on the amount of over the counter meds you will need to take, lessening the destruction to your stomach, liver and whole digestive system. It is recommended that if you are taking Vit B6 for headaches to also take Vit D3 and Magnesium. These 3 together can make a powerful pain reducer aiding your body to provide the sheaths needed around the nerves and muscles to reduce constricting blood vessels and tight muscles.

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Can Vitamin B12 Knock The Pain Out Of My Brain???

Vitamin Sprays
New Vitamin Sprays

Hi there friends! Today I wanted to give my review on the Jamieson Vit B12 Energy Spray. I have been using the spray for a little over a week and today it got a real test run. There has been very high winds in my neck of the woods since around 9am this morning, which has made today a very arduous day for me and my cocanoodle…brain.

As a woke this morning, I instantly knew today was going to have a few hurdles. Even before I looked to see how hard the winds were blowing, my head was on high alert making my stomach start the rollercoaster ride of “Heave”, Oh joy, oh bliss. My first instinct was to get up and get my medicine into me right away, but I was really nervous because I knew food or medicine would not make my belly too happy. Then I remembered the Vit B Spray, so I asked my daughter if she could bring it to me. The moment she saw me she knew too that today was going to be a struggle.

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Small Acts Of Kindness

There’s Nothing Better Then A Snoopy HUG!!!

Well what a relaxing evening I just had. We have started to make going to the park for an evening walk, a priority. It just feels good on all levels. It helps to digest our meals, gives our bodies and minds exercise, fresh air, beautiful scenery, friendly chats with passer byers, time to talk with family members, a few laughs at our very short puppy, and sooo much more. It is a fantastic way to reverse any negativity from the day.

So, I promised some information on what I do to reduce stress in my life. Some things may sound “square” to some, but they are things that I enjoy, and things that I can enjoy with my family.

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Thank You

Lupins, Photo From My Daughter

I would like to start off by saying… Thank You… to those who have visited and liked my website and Facebook page. I am trying to get a handle on all of the social media, and truthfully, I have become hooked. It is soo enjoyable to be in touch with the world, that I have found that my original idea of helping others has turned into others definitely helping and motivating me. So Thank You for that.

We all have some sort of stress factors in our lives, and being the editor of Charzie’s Wellness Garden has helped to tame some of mine. Tonight I’m not going to get into any medical jargon, I would like to talk with you about the things that I do to reduce my stress and bring back positive feelings to my daily living. It’s not easy sometimes for all of us in between dealing with daily stress, emotional stress, mental stress, physical stress, medical stress, etc, etc, etc, it can snowball out of control. The only way to stop the negativity, is one small act of kindness at a time.

I couldn’t stay away and desperately wanted to say Thank You, but I do have an event that I need to tend to first, and right after that I’ll be back to talk about some of the ways I try to reduce the negativity in my life in my next Holistic Blog…Small Acts Of Kindness…

Back In A Bit.



Charzie’s Magnesium Tricks

Charzie's Magnesium Tricks
Charzie’s Magnesium Tricks

Well that was a lot of information on the last blog about “The Power Of Magnesium”, so I’m going to over a couple key points so some important information does not get lost in amongst all the paragraphs. I wasn’t able to put in any of the ways that I use magnesium everyday, or the blog would have been a novel, so I will give some the ways that I use magnesium here now. Magnesium has become a staple in my home in many forms as a powder, a gel and a capsule.

Migraines/Headaches/Break Through Headaches

I once use to protect my codeine bottle with my life, and now I hover over my magnesium bottle as if it is worth the weight of ten men in gold. Does that make sense lol. I also use to carry little pill cases in almost every pocket or purse with either extra Codeine or Atasol or Aleve, but now my little pill cases have Magnesium Citrate into them. I have mentioned this before, but without magnesium, I know my already shaky semi pain free life, would come crashing down. The magnesium helps to calm the linings of the blood vessels, which is where my issue lies with my vascular, circulatory system. It also calms and relaxes the muscles in my body mainly my neck shoulders, and back. It also helps me to quickly heal from stress and tension by helping my body to make more of the necessary hormones I need to help me remain in a relaxed or happy mood, so that my brain does not turn into that ball of twisted up Christmas light wires that takes 4 hours to untangle before you finally loose your mind and just go buy new ones. I can’t buy a new brain, so therefore I buy magnesium.

I truly believe that doctors do not let out how much magnesium can help you or the pharmaceutical industry will crash. A large bottle of magnesium is only $13.00 and lasts me 3 months, you would never be able to run a medical insurance metropolis on billing $13.00 for patient medications when you can receive $300-$1000/billing/day/week/patient times 2 billion people, and the holistic medications have no addictive properties. We will never see the day.

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The Power Of Magnesium

Team Magnesium
Team Magnesium

Today I’m going to start to go over the natural medications I take daily, one by one and their reasons why I take them. That way you can choose for your own selves if there are ones you would like to implement for a certain ailment, after you check it out with your doctor or naturopath that is. These remedies have worked wonders for me but everyone takes different medications, or have different ailments so it’s always best to check in with a professional first. Okie Dokie, now that that is said again lets move on.  When I go over my remedies I will also give other reasons for implementing them not just for migraines, in case you may be for example a muscle pain sufferer, there’s all kinds of reasons for many rememdies.

So lets get to it.

(I feel like “Joy” right now from “Inside Out” when she is playing the accordion and is on bust, well, that is me right now singing my “happy, happy, joy, joy” song…lol)

Continue reading The Power Of Magnesium

A New Quality Of Life

A Quiet Moment
A Quiet Moment

I can’t get over the journey I have been on to slow this illness down some. It is fact that as I get older and my blood vessels shrink a little, my migraines will get worse, but if I can push that further off into the future, and enjoy as much time as I can, that is my goal. I do have migraines but I have lessened their severity and frequency over the past 5 years with education and shear gusto. I have learned that it is not just a pain in my head, that there are other organs that require attention and healing as well and that it’s a whole body heal, not just one organ. I do have pain everyday, but I’m not bed ridden in the daytime anymore in between trips back and forth to school to get my daughter. I have went from not being able to read, knit, walk or drive, fold clothes and put away dishes, and told to just accept it, to once again driving on the highway like a big girl, walking my dog, going to the park with my daughter, household duties, (that one I was willing to give up… lol), reading and knitting, not the intricate patterns that I used to do, but I am still trying and am hoping to start a few smaller patterns again this fall. I have taken back my life, and have learned to not just accept your fate, that fate can be changed.

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The Liver Cleanse Recovery

Migraine/Liver Supplements
My Heavy Hitters

Well even just writing all the information down, is a bit of a whirlwind all over again. I’m going to go backwards for a bit, just to go over a few really important points.   During Day 6 I took my prescription medications just not my vitamins, so that my liver didn’t have any extra work that day processing tablets and capsules. Right after the cleanse the next day, Day 7 though, as soon as I could handle them, around 2pm-3pm I immediately began my ritual of vitamins which are; 1 Super B Complex, 2000mg Vit D3, 500mg of Vit C, 1000mg Omega 3, 1000mg of Siberian Ginseng, 50mg of Zinc, 500mg of Milk Thistle, and 2-3 10billion live cell capsules of Probiotic(before bed)…. (quite a different prescription then what I started with a few years ago), I didn’t take all of my regular magnesium supplement, because of all the magnesium I had taken during the cleanse. I introduced that slowly again seeing that it is also a laxative in high doses. I took 1-150mg capsule of magnesium that evening before 7 pm, and only half my regular dose the next 2 days, which would then be 150mg twice a day instead of 300mg twice a day. That night, still Day 7, before bed, I cut down on the probiotic for the same reason, but only for that night. The following day, Day 8, everything was back into full swing.

I was very surprised throughout the process leading up to day 6 of the cleanse, I really figured I would have had more migraines. I guess where I was concentrating on making sure I was taking in proper amounts of water, as well as the apple juice, I was well hydrated, and all the wonderful veggies gave hydration and nutrition too. I really felt good during the cleanse, and realized that even though it seemed like I was eating less the nutrient density was great. I was never once hungry, which was also surprising. A couple of times I was a bit nauseous but that was due more to the liquid content sloshing around as I continued with my daily activities.

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Liver Cleanse…Part Two

Natural Peacefulness
A Natural Calm

Day 6 of the Liver Cleanse this is where I began to get excited and nervous all at once. On day 6 when you wake, you should have a gentle bowel movement from the laxative from the night before to clean out the colon, before the cleanse begins. Then have a slight breakfast, once again no meat, and only take whatever medication is necessary so that the liver is not already busy trying to filter out supplements and medications, freeing it up for the cleanse. Then you will need to drink all of the apple juice in the morning…1L during the hours from 9-11:30am should be sufficient. Then a slight lunch, and by 1:30pm there will be no more eating for the day or the following morning, but you will not be hungry. The rest of the time you can drink water though as much as you can to remain hydrated because you will lose a lot of water when you start to use the bathroom.

The remainder of the cleanse must be followed completely as described or you could have difficulty passing the stones or crystals.

Continue reading Liver Cleanse…Part Two