Monthly Archives: June 2018

Using Adaptogens to Decrease Pain & Anxiety-Increase Health, Energy & Well Being

Where did the duck go when he was not feeling well?
TO THE DUCKTOR!!!! I quack myself up!!!!LOL

Good Day To All!  I thought today, I would carry on with a topic of alternative medicine and blog about medicines called Adaptogenic Herbs, which are plants that can help our bodies adjust and adapt to life’s stressors.  These are medicines to help aid in giving energy, which in turn reduces stress, mental anguish increase energy and overall health.

Some people feel too nervous or ashamed of having to admit we need help sometimes, and unfortunately as of late, we have seen how this can have very sad and devastating outcomes for those with mental illness and for those they leave behind. Something sooooo urgent and sooo unpredictable as mental illness truly needs to be spoken about openly and allow us as a human race to heal.  We need to educate and create awareness to help our loved ones and neighbors to have the opportunity to heal and to be able to feel that it is ok to be overwhelmed, depressed, saddened, scared, anxious and know there are avenues that can help before some make a decision that there is no turning back from.

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Loving A Pet With Diabetes…Part Two

Penny went everywhere with us, even on most family vacations, especially after she was diagnosed with diabetes.  It was too hard leaving her behind because any change in her routine would make her very sick.  Truth be told, I just didn’t have the heart to leave her behind either, I was just as much attached to her as she was to me.  She was my little shadow, no more then 2 feet away from me at any one time. She would come on what we called “parking lot duty” with me, when I would wait to pick up my daughter after school. She knew when it was getting close to parking lot duty time everyday like clockwork.  It was very endearing.  But during Dec of 2017 she didn’t seem as excited and even used to wince when I would try to pick her up.  That sent up a red flag because parking lot duty was her life.

Parking Lot Duty

Continue reading Loving A Pet With Diabetes…Part Two

Loving A Diabetic Pet..Part One

A few posts ago, I had blogged about my little puppy who was returning home from another visit to the vet hospital with probiotics to take after her antibiotic medications, (The Probiotic Army). I had mentioned how shortly after she was diagnosed with diabetes.  That was a very heart wrenching experience.  So after all the blogs on getting some energy restored, cleaning things out and hugging special “someones” or things in your life, I decided to blog about the experience with one of my special “someones,” my puppy, Penny.

We found Penny on a “for sale” page and fell in love with her immediately.  She was the tiniest, cutest puppy I had ever seen.  She was a beautiful copper color so my daughter immediately named her Penny, her lucky Penny.  (Crap, I have tears already, I should warn you before you read any further you may need some tissues).  I called the lady to ask if this little puppy was still for sale and she said she was. So I asked if I could come by that we were about an hour away and that my daughter had already had her named. She asked what the puppy’s name might be and I told her, Penny.  She then informed me it was their family name and the name of the street they lived on. With that I said “well if she has 3 legs and no tail we’d be there to get her,” because it just seemed meant to be. CRAZY!!!

Continue reading Loving A Diabetic Pet..Part One