The Liver Cleanse Recovery

Migraine/Liver Supplements
My Heavy Hitters

Well even just writing all the information down, is a bit of a whirlwind all over again. I’m going to go backwards for a bit, just to go over a few really important points.   During Day 6 I took my prescription medications just not my vitamins, so that my liver didn’t have any extra work that day processing tablets and capsules. Right after the cleanse the next day, Day 7 though, as soon as I could handle them, around 2pm-3pm I immediately began my ritual of vitamins which are; 1 Super B Complex, 2000mg Vit D3, 500mg of Vit C, 1000mg Omega 3, 1000mg of Siberian Ginseng, 50mg of Zinc, 500mg of Milk Thistle, and 2-3 10billion live cell capsules of Probiotic(before bed)…. (quite a different prescription then what I started with a few years ago), I didn’t take all of my regular magnesium supplement, because of all the magnesium I had taken during the cleanse. I introduced that slowly again seeing that it is also a laxative in high doses. I took 1-150mg capsule of magnesium that evening before 7 pm, and only half my regular dose the next 2 days, which would then be 150mg twice a day instead of 300mg twice a day. That night, still Day 7, before bed, I cut down on the probiotic for the same reason, but only for that night. The following day, Day 8, everything was back into full swing.

I was very surprised throughout the process leading up to day 6 of the cleanse, I really figured I would have had more migraines. I guess where I was concentrating on making sure I was taking in proper amounts of water, as well as the apple juice, I was well hydrated, and all the wonderful veggies gave hydration and nutrition too. I really felt good during the cleanse, and realized that even though it seemed like I was eating less the nutrient density was great. I was never once hungry, which was also surprising. A couple of times I was a bit nauseous but that was due more to the liquid content sloshing around as I continued with my daily activities.

After the cleanse was amazing, I felt like my body had been revitalized, like my digestive system got a total overhaul, almost like new. My migraines completely disappeared for one whole week. I contributed that to the amount of magnesium I had taken during Day 6 and began to realize, I probably need more in my regular routine. I had read in an article, that if you were still feeling pain after introducing magnesium then you weren’t taking enough. So about 2 weeks after the cleanse when the headaches started to return, at a slower pace mind you, I began taking another 150mg magnesium citrate capsule at lunch time too. Almost like a little booster to get me through until my 4pm dosage came along.

The one miraculous change I found was that I could run my hand over my stomach area and not feel a lump or pain. I normally guarded that area with more vigilance then the Guards at Fort Knox. No one could come near my gallbladder region without a “high-ya”… instant arm guard to make sure there was no contact. After the cleanse I could even poke my finger into my stomach, and in over 13 years, that was unheard of. I used to hug family and friends with my butt stuck out so I wouldn’t accidentally push in on that area. After the cleanse I was able to sit again without that lump there in my way, like a rock lodged under my diaphragm, I was totally amazed. I wanted to shout my findings from the rooftops but decided to cautiously wait in case it was a little honeymoon period. But I can say, 2 months later, and I am still gallbladder pain free. I felt more relaxed during my meals, which was obviously a help, and my gluten free high vegetable based diet would not cause pain, which it never should have, and I could sit and enjoy my meal without eating a few bites and seeing how I felt before I moved onto the rest. Before the cleanse, most times I would start to eat and feel nauseated, and have to eat the remainder of my meal in portions, eat a little, wait a little, then try to eat a gain. Eventually leaving half the food on my plate, because I knew it was only going to make me sick. But after the cleanse, I can’t express how happy I was to sit and enjoy my little gluten free ego with apple jam and fruit without the thought of, “hmm I wonder if this was a good idea”. I don’t have a waffle everyday only maybe once on a weekend but its nice to know that I could look forward to it.

The gallbladder and liver relaxing after being purged was half the battle for me. It did take a couple of days before I felt it relax though. I would rather deal with the pain of my migraines without soo much sickness any day. It was always the sickness that really pushed me over the edge. Yes, the pain is immense, but if given the choice to have pain with less sickness, I’ll take that any day.

Right after I finished the cleanse I had my new prescription for my reduced codeine in the evening filled, which now brought my meds down to 100mg in the am and 50mg in the pm. The week right after the cleanse I didn’t need the 50mg tablets at all, which made me realize how much better I felt on the increased amount of magnesium that I had taken throughout the process. It left me wondering why in the world can I not hold on to the magnesium I am taking every day. I know the body gets rid of any extra it doesn’t need and does not build up in your system, but my next question is why does it seem like I am soo depleted when I take such a high dosage of magnesium everyday? I guess this will be my next question to tackle.

The first week after the cleanse, I ended up having to go back on the 50mg of codeine at my 4pm dose. When I did return to the 50mgs, and not the original 100mgs my body was used to, I once again went through a small detox period. My muscles started to get sore almost like you had a terrible body flu, and everything ached, my skin felt itchy and I was feeling very shaky. I knew the reason why, and I pushed through for 4 days with increased headaches just so that my body could detox again and get used to the 50mg dosage. If the headaches returned after the small detox period, I would have to go back to the 100mg and know that that was my minimum limit. Once I got through those 4 days, thankfully it got better again, and my body adjusted itself to the 50mg in the evening instead of the 100mgs. I was very happy with the change and I feel that it was all attributed to the liver cleanse. The change in my digestive system was wonderful,l I really felt like it took 10 years off my health meter.

I couldn’t wait for my next visit to my naturopath to let her and my acupuncturist know how everything went. They were both very please with my progress and immediately scheduled a second liver cleanse, which is now starting in one more sleep, because this visit was about 2 and a half weeks ago.   So I will be doing my 2nd liver cleanse starting tomorrow. Once my naturopath found out I did the cleanse, she wanted me to repeat it right away in order to shock my liver again and hopefully get it back to even better working order. I am very excited to do this procedure again just because I know how much better I felt after my first time doing it. Then hopefully it will become a regular yearly maintenance regime, just to keep everything working a little more efficiently.

I am sooooo happy I finally made the decision to do the liver cleanse. By far, it has been the best non-evasive procedure I have done. It was easier then I had thought, and the benefits have been beyond encouraging. I do believe that by cleaning my gallbladder and liver they will be better able to do their jobs making the chemicals that I need, that will hopefully in the long term, reduce the severity and decrease the amounts of migraines I will have. There is no doubt, I will have migraines, but I will do whatever I can in order to decrease the amounts of times they have to happen so that I can enjoy my time and be here for my daughter as much as I can as a healthy person, and not someone who she watches deteriorate every year. I am on a mission to decrease how fast my illness takes over, I am a fighter, and I WILL NOT GIVE UP.