Monthly Archives: May 2018

STOP The Circle Of Anger


I watched a movie the other day called “Friends With Money.”  I wasn’t feeling well and was pushing myself beyond what I should have been doing.  So I stopped myself and made myself sit down.  I turned on Netflix and this movie popped up so I figured “hmm, why not?” …What an eye opener.

I have been feeling a little down myself and my attitude has not been the best at times and I started to connect with the characters in the movie.  These characters were becoming bitter with life and I could draw parallels with their attitudes and mine, of late.  Everything had become annoying, daunting and just down right ridiculous.  I could feel and see my attitude in “their” portrayal of their character’s lives.  By the end of the movie, their character lives had been summed up, but mine went on, un-summed. 

I could see how my attitude has looked at times and it was good to see, because like them it was not the real person who I was, it was due to circumstances and just life’s progression in general.  Which once again, had me reflecting about the only thing I can control is my reactions to other’s actions I’m pretty sure I have said that here before.  It was a very “back and forth” argument with myself that, others do not worry about their reactions so why should I worry about how they feel when I react.  Because…..I am the one being left upset, so my reactions matter to me and to my health.  So then we are left with… ok, how do I control my reactions and go on from there without constantly coming back to this circle of anger.

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Reduce Migraines – Purify Your Environment & Restore Your Energy

Good Morning, Good Day or Good Evening to You, depending on when you are tuning in again.  My last post was on the basic fundamentals to help re energize your daily lives.  It does not take new potions, drinks or expensive recipes to restore your energy you need to re-introduce the basic routines of drinking good water, eating regular meals, introducing healthy sleep routines and getting rid of the toxins that build up inside us when we are able to use the facilities routinely.  Basic, Basic, Basic things can hydrate, nourish and regenerate our energy supply. It is difficult to write about increasing or sustaining ones energy throughout the day and only write one blog so I am continuing today about purifying your environment which once again has added energy inducing results and reduces stress, headaches, migraines, mental stress and illness, colds, flus, runny noses, respiratory illness, skin rashes, digestive ailments and the list keeps going.

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Natural Ways To Energize

In todays busy world we sometimes push ourselves beyond our natural tendencies, then push ourselves again with energy bars and energy drinks and caffeine, extra expresso we push, push, push, our bodies to their breaking points.  As the 16 hour day wears on, we start to droop our shoulders, blink our eyes profusely to see the computer screen, and try to will our brains to KEEP GOOOIIINNNGGGgggg…. then we CRASH!!!!  

This can be avoided!

It takes routine and a few tricks to the trade but it’s well worth it.  No matter where you are in your life or at what stage, what can keep one prepared for the day and ready to conquer whatever it throws at us, is having a routine and implementing natural ways to energize.  We all fall prey to the couch every now and again or need Cohens to surgically remove us from our mattress, but in order to reduce the stress, pain and illnesses in our lives lets get the routine in place baby!

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When we last spoke the topic was about probiotics then life took a massive turn for me and I have been absent for a while.  During the next few posts I will let you in on my travels and events, that had first put me in a head spin, but now I have learned the lessons from the recent events and am once again back on track and ready to continue.  Through these recent events that have transpired  I have also learned that I need to do “this” for myself as well, because I do enjoy connecting with you all and letting you know a few tid bits that sometimes the doctors forget to remind us of with their crazy schedule.

Well looking back over my last post “Probiotics,which came about when my vet gave my puppy probiotics when she was sick several times to help her heal, (later my puppy also had a diagnosis of diabetes, and later again she passed away, which I will blog about all the details of raising a puppy with diabetes in the near future)  but I found I must add on to the last probiotic post with this post about feeding your probiotics.  OHHH yes, you actually need to feed these little buggers to get the best out of them.  Its like having a mini monkey fish experiment in your belly, well your intestines to be exact.  In order to get them growing well and working efficiently you need to feed them PREBIOTICS.

Continue reading Prebiotics

Sooo Happy To Be Back!!

Hi there friends. I am returning from quite the upheaval over the past while. I had many plans to return here but life had other plans that I did not know about. Unfortunately, my immediate family has had quite a few catastrophic events happen, as does in many families, and I had to focus on “us” for a duration and not on my wants. We have had 6 deaths within 2 years of human family members and beloved family pets. The human illnesses have been very abrupt and had us on a fast rollercoaster to sadness, our beloved pets were of natural aging and one of an illness that was heart wrenching. We have experienced cancer, influenza, diabetes and changes in family member’s mental states of Autism, social anxiety and anger. We have had our share of emotional turmoil and I believe we are on the upswing again and I will be able to give you my insights to our trials and methods of how I tackled these overwhelming circumstances.

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