Sooo Happy To Be Back!!

Hi there friends. I am returning from quite the upheaval over the past while. I had many plans to return here but life had other plans that I did not know about. Unfortunately, my immediate family has had quite a few catastrophic events happen, as does in many families, and I had to focus on “us” for a duration and not on my wants. We have had 6 deaths within 2 years of human family members and beloved family pets. The human illnesses have been very abrupt and had us on a fast rollercoaster to sadness, our beloved pets were of natural aging and one of an illness that was heart wrenching. We have experienced cancer, influenza, diabetes and changes in family member’s mental states of Autism, social anxiety and anger. We have had our share of emotional turmoil and I believe we are on the upswing again and I will be able to give you my insights to our trials and methods of how I tackled these overwhelming circumstances.

There are many of you who have lived with the strain and turmoil of many different illnesses and struggles and many of you have had more then my share as well. That is one thing that has always helped me to keep my head up every day is that even though I myself felt burdens, that my burdens were smaller then some, and that I should look for the good and the life lessons of what I was going through and to find other positive things to be thankful for. One of which was this avenue to helping others and myself by having these posts and conversations to keep me connected to bigger things then what was under my own roof.

Once again as I publish these upcoming posts I will have lots to cover of the many chapters that have been written since I have been here last. I look forward to posting the many lessons these recent life events have given and taught me and I hope they can somehow help any of you who may be in need now as well. I am in the process of trying to change a few things on this site so please bare with me as I move forward one step at a time. I will begin where I left off about probiotics and will next give you the necessary PREbiotics to feed the probiotics so that you can reap the ultimate benefits of keeping your probiotics in optimum performance.

I am sooo thankful and happy to be back!!

Happy Healing!!