Welcome back to those who are now following and welcome to anyone who is new to my blog. I hope if you are new, you will get the chance to go back over the previous blogs to catch up to where we are now…”The Liver Cleanse”. Let’s see, a few blogs ago I left off leaving the acupuncturist’s office with my new textbook and liver cleanse information in hand, had my new prescription on file to reduce my codeine, and a new found recipe for Kale juice. I was once again optimistic for my outcome.
Funny when you suffer from a “pain” illness or probably any illness I guess, there are days or weeks when you feel “I got this under control, no sweat!” then there are other days and weeks when you are left bewildered with, “What in the world am I doing wrong, I thought I was on the right path?” Fortunately, the few weeks proceeding the Liver Cleanse I was optimistic and the few weeks after I was still riding that high. Not that I’m not optimistic now, I was just even more optimistic holding on to the hope that this was going to be the procedure to clean out my system and reboot the digestive system…and it did.