Monthly Archives: July 2016

The Liver Cleanse…Part One

Liver Cleanse
Healing With Whole Foods and The Liver Cleanse

Welcome back to those who are now following and welcome to anyone who is new to my blog. I hope if you are new, you will get the chance to go back over the previous blogs to catch up to where we are now…”The Liver Cleanse”. Let’s see, a few blogs ago I left off leaving the acupuncturist’s office with my new textbook and liver cleanse information in hand, had my new prescription on file to reduce my codeine, and a new found recipe for Kale juice. I was once again optimistic for my outcome.

Funny when you suffer from a “pain” illness or probably any illness I guess, there are days or weeks when you feel “I got this under control, no sweat!” then there are other days and weeks when you are left bewildered with, “What in the world am I doing wrong, I thought I was on the right path?” Fortunately, the few weeks proceeding the Liver Cleanse I was optimistic and the few weeks after I was still riding that high. Not that I’m not optimistic now, I was just even more optimistic holding on to the hope that this was going to be the procedure to clean out my system and reboot the digestive system…and it did.

Continue reading The Liver Cleanse…Part One

Kefir My Newest Superfood

Kefer Mango Smoothie
Kefir Mango Smoothie

Hello again, did you get a chance to try my Green Juice. If you did, I hope you liked it. I have been having green smoothies for a few years now so I may be accustomed to that chlorophyll rich taste, but the juice actually tastes better then the smoothie, and the smoothie is pretty darn good. I’ll get a smoothie recipe wrote up in the next day or two, it is another family favorite that I am not all that precise with the ingredients about, but I’ll write up something a bit better then, a bit of this, a dash of that, so stay tuned. Okay, well let’s get to Kefir.  Kefir will take up this blog and the next one will be The Liver Cleanse. It will have to be a part 2 thing cause it was a bit of a process on the first round.

Let’s learn about Kefir. I found Kefir in the store a couple of times and kind of passed it by because once I found out it was fermented milk or yogurt my taste buds refused any thought process my brain was trying to have about it’s potential, (boy were they wrong). Anywhooo, first of all let’s get some information out there about kefir. Kefir is a very rich probiotic, which is a milk that has been fermented to grow good bacteria strains that our body needs throughout our lifecycle. We seem to deplete the good bacteria that we need by using antibiotics, (which are necessary at times), hand sanitizers, (which once again have their attributes), and antibacterial soaps to kill the bad stuff. But, what ends up happening, is all of these things plus junk foods, medications, illnesses, diarrhea, alcohol consumption, stress and many more end up taking the good bacteria as well. Most often it leaves us with an imbalance of bad bacteria to good bacteria. These bad strains can do quite a lot of damage on our systems and can grow quite strong inside our bodies needing us to replace our good armies pronto, to get that good ratio back instore.

Continue reading Kefir My Newest Superfood

Happy Canada Day! Juice From The Kale Gods!


                                           HAPPY CANADA DAY EH?!!!!

I thought this blog would be appropriate for Canada Day. I realize our colors are red and white but I feel green represents this wide, wild, natural country too. The green for me represents all of our vast beautiful nature and all that is good for you. I hope you enjoy my green blog. Have a great day!!

(I’m being rushed to get out the door to enjoy Canada Day Celebrations so if there are errors I will clean it up tonight…enjoy!)

Continue reading Happy Canada Day! Juice From The Kale Gods!