The Liver Cleanse Recovery

Migraine/Liver Supplements
My Heavy Hitters

Well even just writing all the information down, is a bit of a whirlwind all over again. I’m going to go backwards for a bit, just to go over a few really important points.   During Day 6 I took my prescription medications just not my vitamins, so that my liver didn’t have any extra work that day processing tablets and capsules. Right after the cleanse the next day, Day 7 though, as soon as I could handle them, around 2pm-3pm I immediately began my ritual of vitamins which are; 1 Super B Complex, 2000mg Vit D3, 500mg of Vit C, 1000mg Omega 3, 1000mg of Siberian Ginseng, 50mg of Zinc, 500mg of Milk Thistle, and 2-3 10billion live cell capsules of Probiotic(before bed)…. (quite a different prescription then what I started with a few years ago), I didn’t take all of my regular magnesium supplement, because of all the magnesium I had taken during the cleanse. I introduced that slowly again seeing that it is also a laxative in high doses. I took 1-150mg capsule of magnesium that evening before 7 pm, and only half my regular dose the next 2 days, which would then be 150mg twice a day instead of 300mg twice a day. That night, still Day 7, before bed, I cut down on the probiotic for the same reason, but only for that night. The following day, Day 8, everything was back into full swing.

I was very surprised throughout the process leading up to day 6 of the cleanse, I really figured I would have had more migraines. I guess where I was concentrating on making sure I was taking in proper amounts of water, as well as the apple juice, I was well hydrated, and all the wonderful veggies gave hydration and nutrition too. I really felt good during the cleanse, and realized that even though it seemed like I was eating less the nutrient density was great. I was never once hungry, which was also surprising. A couple of times I was a bit nauseous but that was due more to the liquid content sloshing around as I continued with my daily activities.

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Liver Cleanse…Part Two

Natural Peacefulness
A Natural Calm

Day 6 of the Liver Cleanse this is where I began to get excited and nervous all at once. On day 6 when you wake, you should have a gentle bowel movement from the laxative from the night before to clean out the colon, before the cleanse begins. Then have a slight breakfast, once again no meat, and only take whatever medication is necessary so that the liver is not already busy trying to filter out supplements and medications, freeing it up for the cleanse. Then you will need to drink all of the apple juice in the morning…1L during the hours from 9-11:30am should be sufficient. Then a slight lunch, and by 1:30pm there will be no more eating for the day or the following morning, but you will not be hungry. The rest of the time you can drink water though as much as you can to remain hydrated because you will lose a lot of water when you start to use the bathroom.

The remainder of the cleanse must be followed completely as described or you could have difficulty passing the stones or crystals.

Continue reading Liver Cleanse…Part Two

The Liver Cleanse…Part One

Liver Cleanse
Healing With Whole Foods and The Liver Cleanse

Welcome back to those who are now following and welcome to anyone who is new to my blog. I hope if you are new, you will get the chance to go back over the previous blogs to catch up to where we are now…”The Liver Cleanse”. Let’s see, a few blogs ago I left off leaving the acupuncturist’s office with my new textbook and liver cleanse information in hand, had my new prescription on file to reduce my codeine, and a new found recipe for Kale juice. I was once again optimistic for my outcome.

Funny when you suffer from a “pain” illness or probably any illness I guess, there are days or weeks when you feel “I got this under control, no sweat!” then there are other days and weeks when you are left bewildered with, “What in the world am I doing wrong, I thought I was on the right path?” Fortunately, the few weeks proceeding the Liver Cleanse I was optimistic and the few weeks after I was still riding that high. Not that I’m not optimistic now, I was just even more optimistic holding on to the hope that this was going to be the procedure to clean out my system and reboot the digestive system…and it did.

Continue reading The Liver Cleanse…Part One

Kefir My Newest Superfood

Kefer Mango Smoothie
Kefir Mango Smoothie

Hello again, did you get a chance to try my Green Juice. If you did, I hope you liked it. I have been having green smoothies for a few years now so I may be accustomed to that chlorophyll rich taste, but the juice actually tastes better then the smoothie, and the smoothie is pretty darn good. I’ll get a smoothie recipe wrote up in the next day or two, it is another family favorite that I am not all that precise with the ingredients about, but I’ll write up something a bit better then, a bit of this, a dash of that, so stay tuned. Okay, well let’s get to Kefir.  Kefir will take up this blog and the next one will be The Liver Cleanse. It will have to be a part 2 thing cause it was a bit of a process on the first round.

Let’s learn about Kefir. I found Kefir in the store a couple of times and kind of passed it by because once I found out it was fermented milk or yogurt my taste buds refused any thought process my brain was trying to have about it’s potential, (boy were they wrong). Anywhooo, first of all let’s get some information out there about kefir. Kefir is a very rich probiotic, which is a milk that has been fermented to grow good bacteria strains that our body needs throughout our lifecycle. We seem to deplete the good bacteria that we need by using antibiotics, (which are necessary at times), hand sanitizers, (which once again have their attributes), and antibacterial soaps to kill the bad stuff. But, what ends up happening, is all of these things plus junk foods, medications, illnesses, diarrhea, alcohol consumption, stress and many more end up taking the good bacteria as well. Most often it leaves us with an imbalance of bad bacteria to good bacteria. These bad strains can do quite a lot of damage on our systems and can grow quite strong inside our bodies needing us to replace our good armies pronto, to get that good ratio back instore.

Continue reading Kefir My Newest Superfood

Happy Canada Day! Juice From The Kale Gods!


                                           HAPPY CANADA DAY EH?!!!!

I thought this blog would be appropriate for Canada Day. I realize our colors are red and white but I feel green represents this wide, wild, natural country too. The green for me represents all of our vast beautiful nature and all that is good for you. I hope you enjoy my green blog. Have a great day!!

(I’m being rushed to get out the door to enjoy Canada Day Celebrations so if there are errors I will clean it up tonight…enjoy!)

Continue reading Happy Canada Day! Juice From The Kale Gods!

Acupuncture…No More Pain In My Brain


I have a growing anticipation just to jump to the end and give you all the results but I have to pace myself because you really need to know the ins and outs of the steps I changed along the way. So lets get to it.

While chatting during one of my Alternative Therapy appointments, my Holistic Doctors asked how I felt about trying acupuncture. I commented I had been toiling with thoughts of starting this therapy but I was a great big, cry, baby about needles. His and her calming nature just put me at ease about the whole therapy and they only said may be a few sentences, but feeling completely trusting in their motivation, within a moment I said yes, and an appointment was set up before I even left the office. Instead of being scared I became excited, and I truly cannot give the exact reason that changed my frame of thinking other then total trust in the persons suggesting it. I’m still a little amazed at the change that happened. When I say I had a fear of needles, I should say, I had a total terror, trembling, cold footed, chicken ass, dreaded, despairing fear of needles. Yeah that better describes it…lol

I thought when my family doctor finds out I finally said yes, I think he might even kick me in the pants for not listening to him in the first place. Not that I didn’t trust his idea, for heavens sake I trusted him soo much that I filled my body with whatever prescription he handed my way that was full of, what I felt, toxic chemicals, and took happily and willingly. I believe it was just the different feeling from western medicine to this calm, inducing, alternative, medicinal therapy. Like the difference from eating the hottest, bad boy weapon grade, burn a whole through your digestive track, flame throwing hot wings to a nice lukewarm bowl of chicken noodle soup…it was just different.

Continue reading Acupuncture…No More Pain In My Brain

Decrease Medicine Increase Health


Now that I was not a prisoner of gluten anymore, I was amazed at how long food would actually last in my digestive system before I was hungry again. The foods I now ate were high in fiber and made me feel fill fuller for longer. It reduced the amounts of time I’d want a snack or even something sweet because most times with wheat it is also paired with sugar. So with less sugar as well, pain and inflammation of how my insides used to feel, was now becoming less frequent. I could only wish I had been told this sooo much sooner, how much pain and damage could have been avoided. When I was a child/teenager/young adult, I could eat and eat and eat and nothing ever stuck to me, (no weight gain). My old neighbor used to say I had a hollow leg, but at times I would feel stomach sick and headachy until the meal I ate passed, which was usually fast. Only now do I know why…gluten intolerance. What a difference it is being gluten free, I now eat my meals and I don’t have that heaviness or pit in the bottom of my stomach but…now foods stick, one cookie is now like a box…what a catch 22. I’m still happy to be gluten free though.

I still had allergies but not as intense as just a few weeks prior. My nose used to be a constant faucet. I should have invested in Klennex or Puffs for some return on the dollars I had contributed over the past 3 decades. The nasal drip was becoming embarrassing with no way to control it. But all of a sudden I wasn’t leaving the house with a box of tissues in my pocket anymore. It was more of a habit that I would take a few just in case.

Within a few weeks I didn’t feel like I needed as much pain medication and made a visit to my doctor to see about decreasing the Codeine. Since the introduction of magnesium, kale, various vitamins, electrolytes, milk thistle and probiotics, I felt I could manage a decrease with no worries. Beginning this path of pain medication and being told it would only increase, I had happily decreased my meds from 800-600mg of codeine down to 200mg of codeine over the past year and a half… 40 mg of Propranolol (beta blocker to slow the heart) twice a day was cut in half to 20mg of Propranolol twice a day…no more antidepressants or triptans…and minimal usage of Atasol 30’s (perhaps an extra one or two throughout a month, only if needed).

Continue reading Decrease Medicine Increase Health

Super Hero Combo: Probiotics/Gluten Free


I can now open up my own library due to all the self help books and health textbook style encyclopedias I now have researched. Books, books, books!!!! Turned into answers, answers, answers!

First of all, came all the gluten free information. The benefits it has shown in reducing headaches, migraines, brain fog, brain disorders, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, mood disorders, digestive disorders, colon illnesses and more and more and more and more. Due to our current wheat being soo genetically modified the amount of people who are becoming intolerant to gluten is astounding. My first gluten free book I read was the “Wheat Belly” by William Davis MD. What a lifestyle changing book. I found out that the reason why my body was having such a hard time when I first gave it up was because of the addiction of the opioids that are a part of wheat. They are an addictive substance, which helps to calm your body ailments much like endorphins do. So we crave that substance by 3 pm when the affects of the sandwich we just ate for lunch has worn off. Our body treats it like a drug, and like a drug it is hard to come off of. You will go through a detox period but when you come out on the other end you will be amazed at how more energized you feel, the brain fog leaves and your body feels lighter and no more cravings or hunger pains. So I thought okay I get it, but, I was still afraid, yet there was something inside me saying come on girl this is what you need. But since my doctor did not seem convinced, it really made me question taking this step. So I thought okay, I’ll keep reading first then I’ll decide on the end of my research.

Continue reading Super Hero Combo: Probiotics/Gluten Free



I found that most days I was really thirsty and started to recall that after a few times of being in the hospital that I would be given and IV drip to help rehydrate myself and how much better it made me feel for that day. I started putting 2 and 2 together and finally realized “Duhhh…Electrolytes!” So came my next side research project. The rehydration IV’s usually have a saline solution (salt), sugar and depending on the severity of dehydration, electrolytes. Water makes up 70% of our body fluid and amongst that solution is electrolytes consisting of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The electrolytes in our system controls many bodily functions such as; memory, neurological functions, digestive functions, our five senses and transmission of those senses to the brain, our heartbeat patterns, body temperature, bladder and oh my gosh soo much more. It became clear to me that starting to drink an electrolyte solution could also help decrease my migraine patterns and hydrate my body. I made it a daily ritual to start drinking more water at least 4-6 glasses with diluted Gatorade or an Electrolyte solution I purchased from the pharmacy… everyday.

All of these little pieces to the puzzle helped and with each new implementation I could start doing things that I used to enjoy again. I was able to read more without becoming so nauseated, I could knit a little bit and even watch the news, (TV), without urging, even my memory got a bit better. I still would not leave the house without a note of what I had to do, but if I forgot it, I could remember a few items a lot easier then previously. I’ll mark that under a positive outcome.


Ohh, How Do I Know I’m Choosing Right???


During the first few months of introducing the Magnesium Citrate, I wasn’t taking as much as what I needed initially, so therefore, symptoms from the Vestibular Migraines would still be quite strong at times; nausea, paralysis on my left side when the migraines were at their height and slurring when I would speak…”Suffering Succotash”…(my time as Sylvester the Cat).  Over time, those symptoms decreased incredibly as I increased the magnesium.

My family doctor also started me on Triptans; Frovatriptan then Zolmitriptan to take instead of the Atasol 30’s to stop any major migraine coming in between my doses of Codeine. The triptans were more of a rescue medicine. They did work for a short period but I found I didn’t need them as much after increasing my magnesium citrate.

Weeks had passed recovering from the major gallbladder/liver attack episode, and finding food that did not hurt me from the moment I started eating until it left my body became extremely hard to find. I asked about going Gluten Free again and was pretty much told if I wanted to I could try it but it would be better to just maintain the rationale of anything in moderation. Once again, “I do eat moderately and that is not working.” I found that after eating sandwiches, not only would the rock in my stomach get bigger, but my headaches would increase. Then I began to realize that anything made with white flour was contributing to both pains. I took it under my own pursuit to give up wheat/gluten for a few days and see how I would feel. At this time I didn’t know that this was something I would really need to stick to for a period of time and that I would be going through a detox to get rid of the wheat from my system.

Continue reading Ohh, How Do I Know I’m Choosing Right???